Friday, July 6, 2012

L A Z Z Z Y. . .

She wants to deny it. . .

 "No harm is done!" She pleads, innocent with her mouth, but drenched in guilt underneath.

It is true, thing's could be worse, but harm has been done by this absence of action.
Dear girl, let me tell you a story:

Suppose there is a man who hires a first gardener, and to him he says "Gardener, go and garden my large yard. Yes, there are thorns, there is dirt, you will have to lift things, pull things, and dig things,  - no one said it was a piece of cake - but this is what I hired you for.  If you do this, I will be pleased, and you will be rewarded."

So, the first gardener went out and destroyed the man's yard, burning what was already there and adding thorns and weeds that weren't there before.  When the first gardener went to the man to receive his pay, he said "Sir, I really want my reward!" but, the man, obviously, did not give it to him. Instead he said "Gardener, if you truly wanted it, you would have acted accordingly."

After the man fired the first gardener and when his yard was restored to normal, he hired a second gardener. To the second gardener he said the same: "Gardener, go and garden my large yard. Yes, there are thorns, there is dirt, you will have to lift things, pull things, and dig things, - no one said it was a piece of cake - but this is what I hired you for.  If you do this, I will be pleased, and you will be rewarded."
The second gardener went away, and, not wanting the thorns, the dirt, or the work and sweat, he merely sat around. When he went to the man to receive his pay, like the first, it wasn't given to him.

"...but, Sir!" the second gardener pleaded, "I wasn't like the first! No harm was done, and I really want my reward!"

The second gardener was mistaken. Harm was done. True, he did not burn anything down, but in not watering or trimming he let the man's yard turn into it's own kind of disaster.

The man said to the second gardener as he said to the first: "Gardener, if you truly wanted it, you would have acted accordingly."

The man hired yet another gardener, a third saying to him "Gardener, go and garden my large yard. Yes, there are thorns, there is dirt, you will have to lift things, pull things, and dig things, - no one said it was a piece of cake - but this is what I hired you for.  If you do this, I will be pleased, and you will be rewarded."

The third gardener did just what the man requested and tended the garden, pulling things out where they didn't belong and putting things in where they did. At the end of his hard work the third gardener went to receive his pay from the man, and the man rewarded him saying "Well done. You have done what I have asked and now receive blessings."

You, girl, hiding from what you've always known is true, can probably figure out which gardener you are most like. Nothing can be something when it's not where it belongs.

Persevere? Be strong! Get back out there! Quit doing nothing and do what you know is right!

"But for something like that I would need... more confidence," She says, starting a list that she will never finish and turning uncomfortably as if looking for an escape or a way to justify her careless lifestyle.

What you need, dear girl, is a confidence that is this: being sure of what you know is true, what you do, and who you do it for.  You don't even need to be sure of who you are!  That will come in the package. ... You do, however, - and seeming as if you've forgotten or pushed it aside, you need to  now more than ever -  know WHAT you are.

Know what you are, get to know the one you work for a little better, reestablish what you're out here for... Are you doing this whole "life" thing for yourself or who? Confidence will come with that, and hopefully the strength to do a little better. With that will come progress, and the right progress with the right heart will bring reward in a variety of shapes and sizes.

Excuses won't get you anywhere, but we both know who will.

How unworthy do you feel, after this realization, to be offered such an opportunity?
Probably as bad as me. . . ?

(The girl isn't some real person. I'm not being mean. This is somthing I thought about a lot today. writen in an odd way, I admit...  it could have been better.  But you can't deny that the inicial target was a thought provocer.  Think long and hard, friends... long and hard.)

1 comment:

  1. True, laziness it's just as bad as doing evil :/. Sometimes we forget that.
