What is Truth?
What is truth? I am
most definitely a Christian so I will give you the obvious answer, Jesus. Jesus
declares that he is the truth. How is truth to be determined, now that is a
question. There have been many arguments concerning what is true. Some people
argue that if it is not in the Bible, than it is not true, but that is not the
truth. Mathematics was not in the Bible, but we can prove that it is true. But
some things we can’t prove are true by just trial and answer, so where do we
get the answers? Most people get it from what they call their own truth, but if
you made it up, than how can it be true without being verified to something.
Some people use evolution to verify what is true, but if evolution its self is
nothing more than what someone else made up to be their own truth, than how can
we say that it is true. As a Christian I verify everything to the word of God,
the Bible. I know that the Bible is true; it has been proven true and cannot be
proven wrong by anything that is right. It is physically impossible to prove
God’s word wrong. Some people get it wrong with that statement too. Just
because you heard it in church doesn’t mean that it was God’s word. Some things
said in church are just the pastor’s thoughts added to a matter, and if it does
not fully line up with scripture than it can be proven wrong. But humans have
been trying to prove the word wrong for a while and still they have no evidence
saying that it is false in any way. The only way people try to prove it wrong
is by making false accusations against it and twisting words. So when I
evaluate what is true, I refer to the Bible. If it contradicts what God’s word
says, than it really is not true, since God’s word is true. The way I see it is
not that if it isn’t in the Bible it’s completely false, but that if it
contradicts the Bible than it cannot be true. If someone told me that a banana
was red, I cannot base my answer off of the Bible, because The Bible never
talks about the color of a banana. So in order to find out I would have to
search for all the bananas and make sure none of them were naturally red to
prove him wrong. If something can be prove without having any missing gaps
where the persons own theory comes in, than I can believe it is true. But once
you get to the point where you ask questions that we cannot verify I refer to
the Bible, such as who or what created the earth. The Bible simply states that
God did, but others throw in what they believe with little facts to back it up,
yet tons of people listen to what they have to say and not what God does (and
what the person is saying is less accurate than the Bible). Some people think
that it is crazy that people base their life off of a book, but it is not just
a book, it is the most historically correct and most truthful book in the
world, while others are just basing it off of some logical thinking and a lot
of what they want it to be. It’s kind like me standing up in front of people
and saying that all apples have the same exact size, shape, and depth of color because I happened to find two
apples that proved that, but still that is only two apples, the rest of our
theory is what we made up to make it fit into our heads. How are Christians the
ones who get called crazy, when a lot of people are just like someone claiming that
all apples are exactly the same based off of tiny little facts. Some people are
even crazier and believe that whatever they say is true, is the legitimate
truth. So if I walked outside and said that the world was completely purple and
had arms and legs, than according to that faith I’m right. Sadly many, many
people fall into believing things that aren’t true and get lost in all of the
commotion and forget what is really true, God. In conclusion God is really the
only truth there is. I don’t mean to be harsh, but God is the truth and if you
don’t believe that than sadly you’re living in a lie. That is what I know is
true and how I think truth should be evaluated.
Wow...T.J this is really good :D i am so proud...this is just amazig, god job really :)
ReplyDelete- From, your lil sis :3
hahaha thanks karin, that really means a lot to me :) thanks for being proud of me :)